So I've been really frustrated lately. I'm just in one of those ruts that you can't seem to push yourself out of, no matter how hard you try. Paper 2 is just stagnating with my coauthors, job applications are frustrating, and my car is a money pit. With these job appilcations, it's so difficult to write about the kind of teacher you are, when you've never taught an actual class in your life. Writing my research statement, which should be the part I love writing about, is just annoying. I am so frustrated by all of it, I can't do anything well and am half-assing all of it. My car has been in the shop 4 times in the past 2 months. I loathe nothing more than trying to get your shit together and it just not being together. When I get frustrated or stress, I bake. So baked is what I did today. I am almost done with a blackberry apple pie (the whole house smells yummy), and I am midway through making bread (it's a two day affair).
cutting the apples
Charlie monitors the baking
Putting the pie together
Almost done!
Hopefully I can bake out all the frustration and get back to writing and working.