Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Civil Wars

This is how my day progressed yesterday

I woke up to a text from Steph asking where I was. I called her
Me: Hey I'm in bed.
Steph: I bought you coffee. Its outside on the kitchen counter.
Me: OMG I love you!
Steph: (pause) Can you go outside and get it.
Me: Umm okay. (walks out to kitchen) Is this Cinnamon Buns?
Steph: No but its close.
I pick up coffee cup, take a sip.
Steph: Did read what's on the cup?
I have coffee in my mouth and turn the cup around to see this

I swallow said coffee and SQUEALED!! Steph got us ticket to the SOLD OUT Civil Wars concert.

Then I took Charlie to the vet, bank, post office, etc and HEB.
It's spring so this happened

Oh no! My berry addiction is in full swing. I should have bought more raspberries but that might happen tonight. Then I made dinner for Steph and myself. It was so good. Pasta with steamed broccoli in a garlic and herb sauce. It was my triumphant return to cooking since I've been eating fast food for about 2 months.
The night ended with this

One of the most amazing concerts I have ever seen with a great view (I'm standing on the fence around a porch!) For those of you who don't know who the Civil Wars are, its a duo, one guitar and the occasional organ/piano part. Just to give you a sliver of what Steph and I heard

Finally the night ended with Steph and me meeting the Civil Wars. I got a free poster which they autographed. Steph got one of their CDs autographed, her pick and the guitarist, John Paul White, goes "I'll do you one better." He reaches into his pants pocket, pulls out a guitar pick and autographs it saying "That was tonight's concert pick." Steph and I promptly got photos with them (her camera) and walked home so happy!! Yeah!

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