Monday, January 31, 2011

busy busy

Almost a month into school and the semester has fully hit me. Wednesday I am hopefully going out to Riesel to get sampling done. On Thursday I am presenting a paper at a soils conference at Texas A&M. Saturday I go up to Dallas to get my hair cut and hopefully meet up with Neil to work on getting these two papers finished. Sunday I fly from Dallas to Kansas City, MO, and drive to KU. I'm doing research there Monday - Wednesday on their CL scope (yippee). Then Wednesday I fly back to Dallas and drive to Waco. Before all this I have to finish micromorph and load soil organic matter for isotopic analysis, finish epoxying billets and get them sent off to spectrum. Also, I have to work on my paleoped lab for this week. Geeze it's going to be a crazy semester.
On the positive side, I'M GOING TO MILAN!!! I thought Bobby was kidding but apparently, AAPG is paying for my ass to fly to Milan, Italy and I get to see the Dolomites!! Okay enough blogging back to work. Someone's got to get all this crap done before Saturday.